Fees (Petroleum and Other Articles) (Amendment) Regulations, 1973. LI 803

IN exercise of the powers conferred on the Commissioner responsible for Finance by section 16 of the Sales Tax Act, 1965 (Act 257) these Regulations are made this 19th day of January, 1973.1. The second proviso to regulation 1 (3) of the Fees (Petroleum L.I. 389 Products and Other Articles) Regulations, 1965 (L.I. 389) as amended amended. is hereby further amended as follows :—(a) by the deletion of the word "and" at the end of paragraph (b) thereof;(b) by the insertion immediately after paragraph (b)  thereof of the following new paragraph— "(c) cement manufactured in Ghana shall be reduced, in the case of a manufacturer, from eleven and a half per centum to seven and a half per centum; and" ;(c) by the renumbering of paragraph "(c)" thereof as paragraph "(d)".2. These Regulations shall be deemed to have come into force on Commencethe 5th day of August, 1967. ment.

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Responsible Institution

Petroleum Commission Ghana


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Fees / Charges

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