Petroleum Commission (Fees And Charges) Regulations, 2015Regulation 3: (1) A subcontractor, licensee or any other person that is engaged in petroleum activities or that provides a service in the upstream petroleum industry shall(a) obtain a permit from the Commission; and(b) pay, in respect of the permit, the fee specified in(i) Part 1 of the Second Schedule in the case of a fully indigenous Ghanaian company;(ii) Part 2 of the Second Schedule in the case of an indigenous Ghanaian company; or(iii) Part 3 of the Second Schedule in the case of a foreign company.PETROLEUM (2) An operator shall before the commencement of exploration and development activities(a) obtain a permit from the Commission; and(b) pay, in respect of the permit, the fee specified in Part 4 of the Second Schedule.(3) A contractor or operator shall, before the commencement of petroleum production(a) obtain a permit from the Commission; and(b) pay, in respect of the permit and based on the submitted production profile, the fees specified in(i) Part 5 of the Second Schedule, in the case of a foreign company; or(ii) Part 6 of the Second Schedule, in the case of an indigenous Ghanaian Company. |
Procedures to FollowNot Avaiable |
Responsible InstitutionNational Petroleum Authority
No.6 George Walker Bush Highway Adjacent Petroleum Commission Dzorwulu, Accra |
Relevant Forms to Download |
Fees / ChargesNot Avaiable |