National Petroleum Authority (Bulk Road Vehicle Tracking And Volume Monitoring) Regulations, 2016 (L.I. 2251)

Regulation 7 (1) A bulk road vehicle tracking service provider shall, on completion of the installation of a tracking device on a bulk road vehicle, issue an installation certificate as set out in the First Schedule, in respect of the bulk road vehicle. (2) An installation certificate is not valid unless it bears the authorised signature of the bulk road vehicle tracking service provider. (3) A bulk road vehicle tracking service provider shall issue to a petroleum service provider, (a) a bulk road vehicle tracking inspection certificate as set out in the Second Schedule, (b) a sticker, and (c) a bulk calibration certificate as set out in the Third Schedule if the state of the bulk road vehicle meets the requirement of the inspection and calibration checklist approved by the Authority. 

Procedures to Follow

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Responsible Institution

National Petroleum Authority

No.6 George Walker Bush Highway Adjacent Petroleum Commission Dzorwulu, Accra

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