GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPACKAGED FOODS3.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPACKAGED FOODS3.1.1.No person shall advertise any prepackaged food unless the food producthas been registered by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA).3.1.2.No person shall advertise any prepackaged food unless such a personhas obtained approval from the Authority.3.1.3.No media house or advertising agency shall carry any advertisement inthe print or electronic media unless that advertisement bears the FDAAdvertisement Approval Number.3.1.4.A person shall not advertise or allow unapproved advertisements toshow on their medium.3.1.5.No person shall advertise a pre-packaged food as a preventive or curefor a disease, disorder or an abnormal physical state.3.1.6.All advertisements shall be accurate, complete, clear and designed topromote credibility by the general public. Statements or illustrationsmust not mislead directly or by implication.3.1.7.No advertisement shall bring the food industry into disrepute,undermine confidence in advertising or prejudice public confidence infood.3.1.8.No advertisement shall disparage any other company of its competitiveor alternative products, either directly or by implication.3.1.9.No advertisement shall imitate the general layout, text, slogans or visualpresentation or devices of the advertisement of food products of othercompanies.3.1.10. All claims shall be complete, truthful, not misleading and shall besubstantiated. Claims shall be in accordance with the Codex Guidelineson claims. |
Procedures to FollowNot Avaiable |
Responsible InstitutionFood And Drugs Authority
Legon, Accra |
Relevant Forms to Download |
Fees / ChargesNot Avaiable |