Ghanaian Enterprises Development Act, 1975 (N.R.C.D. 330)

Section 3: Without prejudice to any other enactment, the Commission,(a) shall implement this Act and also section 2 of, and the Schedule to the Ghana InvestmentPromotion Centre Act, 1994 (Act 478)4(4) and shall ensure the assumption of the control ofthe economy by citizens within the shortest possible time,(b) shall create an effective institution providing technical and financial assistance, as well as ageneral advisory service to Ghanaian businessmen, and(c) shall examine a question concerning commerce or industry affecting Ghanaian businesswhich the Government may refer to the Commission and shall report to the Government onthe questions referred.

Procedures to Follow

Not Avaiable

Responsible Institution

Ministry of Trade and Industry


Relevant Forms to Download

Not Available

Fees / Charges

Not Avaiable