Natural Gas Transmission Utility (Standards of Performance) Regulations, 2008 (L.I. 1936)

Regulation 2: System integrity and security 2. (1) The Utility shall operate the transmission system in accordance with the Act, Regulations made under the Act and the terms and conditions of the transmission licence. (2) The Utility shall ensure (a) the maintenance of the physical safety and security of persons, apparatus and installations over which it has complete and unencumbered control and has the legal right of access; (b) the maintenance of the operational integrity of the transmission system; (c) that the physical balance of the transmission system is maintained; and (d) the mitigation of the adverse effect that results from a breach of these Regulations, an ancillary agreement or the procedures adopted by a bulk customer or distribution company. (3) In the discharge of its obligations under sub-regulation (1), the Utility shall take (a) any necessary action in the circumstance to ensure the flow of natural gas from the transmission system, and (b) preventive measures where the operational integrity of the transmission system is at risk. 

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Responsible Institution

Ministry of Energy

Ministries Enclave Accra, Ghana Opposite Pension House, SSNIT

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