National Petroleum Authority Act, 2005 (Act 691) as Amended by National Petroleum Authority (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act 913) and Renewable Energy Act, 2011 (Act 832)

section 30: A person shall not construct or operate in the petroleum downstream industry (a) a petroleum products retail station. (b) a petroleum products storage depot and pipeline, (c) a liquefied petroleum gas depot, or (d) an oil refinery without the prior written authorisation of the Board.

Procedures to Follow

1. Any application for a permit to construct a petroleum product storage, bulk sale and distribution depot (Depot) shall be submitted to the National Petroleum Authority giving details of the proposals and any information that may be relevant to the project.

2. If, after the permit to construct the Depot has been granted and the execution of the works has not commenced at the expiry of twenty four (24) months from the date on which permit was granted, or at the expiration of any extension of that period which the Authority may allow, the permit shall cease to have effect.

3. The following documents shall be submitted with the application.
i. Evidence that the applicant is a Licensed Bulk Distribution Company (BDC) or a corporate entity legally affiliated to a BDC in good standing with the Authority or a Company with established competence in the petroleum downstream industry.
ii. Evidence of local participation i.e. at least 51% shares to be held by Ghanaian citizens.
iii. Evidence of Land Title Registration/Lease Agreement with the land Owner.
iv. An Environmental Permit from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
v. A Development and Building Permit from the Land Use and Spatial Planning Authority approving the construction of the Depot for petroleum storage, bulk sale and distribution on the proposed site.
vi. A Fire Permit signed by the Chief Fire Officer or a Regional Fire Officer evidencing that arrangements proposed for the prevention and fighting of fire coupled with good housekeeping at the site are satisfactory.
vii. A report from the Geological Survey Department of Ghana attesting to either the absence of or acceptable levels of seismic activity on and around the proposed site.
viii. A Geotechnical Report.


Responsible Institution

National Petroleum Authority

No.6 George Walker Bush Highway Adjacent Petroleum Commission Dzorwulu, Accra

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