National Petroleum Authority Act, 2005 (Act 691) as Amended by National Petroleum Authority (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act 913) and Renewable Energy Act, 2011 (Act 832)

section 37(1) Where a petroleum service provider's operations in the downstream industry involves the importation, refining and marketing of petroleum products, that petroleum service provider shall submit a monthly report on a date determined by the Board that indicates details of actual (a) imports, (b) production, (c) demestic sales and consumption, (d) inventory of crude oil and products, and (e) exports. (2) The Board shall within thirty days consider the content of the report and initiate the action to be taken where necessary. (3) The report and the decision taken by the Board shall be forwarded by the Board to the Ministry.[As substituted by the National Petroleum Authority (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act 913), s.2] (4) Despite subsection (1), the Board may require a petroleum service provider to submit a report (a) to address a specific issue, and (b) to furnish the Board with information in respect of the conduct, practices, and management by that petroleum service provider related to the business or activity including relations with other relevant institutions, partnerships and individuals.

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Responsible Institution

National Petroleum Authority

No.6 George Walker Bush Highway Adjacent Petroleum Commission Dzorwulu, Accra

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