National Petroleum Authority Act, 2005 (Act 691) as Amended by National Petroleum Authority (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act 913) and Renewable Energy Act, 2011 (Act 832)

Section 18: The Board may revoke, suspend or refuse to renew a licence issued under this Act where (a) the provisions of this Act or the Regulations are not being satisfactorily complied with, (b) the continued operation of a business or commercial activity poses a risk to public health, safety and security, (c) the services provided by the licensee have deteriorated below the required standard, (d) the licensee has not complied with any of the conditions of the licence, (e) an offence under this Act in relation to the licensee is being investigated, (f) the licensee has contravened but has not been convicted of a provision of this Act.

Procedures to Follow

Not Avaiable

Responsible Institution

National Petroleum Authority

No.6 George Walker Bush Highway Adjacent Petroleum Commission Dzorwulu, Accra

Relevant Forms to Download

Not Available

Fees / Charges

Not Avaiable