Accra Metropolitan Assembly- Profession, Business And Trade (Self-Employed) Bye-Laws, 2017l. License(a) A person shall not carry on any profession, occupation, trade or business in or upon any premises or land in the Metropolis unless the Assembly has issued a license in respect of such premises.(b) A license granted under this Bye-law shall expire on the 31st December of the year it was issued.(c) A person who starts business, profession or trade later than January in a year shall pay a commensurate rate (Pro rata).(d) A license granted under this Bye-law shall be displayed in a conspicuous part of the premises or land and is not transferable. |
Procedures to FollowNot Avaiable |
Responsible InstitutionAccra Metropolitan Assembly
Relevant Forms to Download |
Fees / ChargesNot Avaiable |