National Petroleum Authority Act, 2005 (Act 691) as Amended by National Petroleum Authority (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act 913) and Renewable Energy Act, 2011 (Act 832)

Section 24: Where the Board grants a licence to an applicant to operate a refinery for the supply of petroleum products, it shall authorise the licensee (a) to convert crude oil into petroleum products for sale without discrimination to (i) bulk customers of petroleum products, and (ii) a person licensed under this Act to market petroleum products, and (b) to obtain approval of the Authority for charges of services rendered.

Procedures to Follow

The application for a licence to establish a Refinery shall be accompanied by a non-refundable administrative fee of USD$20,000.00

Submit the following for review to ensure statutory compliance:
a. A Development and Building Permit from the AreaTown Planning Authority approving the construction of the Refinery, a petroleum storage depot, bulk sale and distribution on the proposed site.
b. A fire report signed by the Chief Fire Officer or a Regional Fire Officer evidencing that arrangements proposed for the prevention and fighting of fire coupled with good housekeeping at the site are satisfactory.
c. A Geotechnical Report indicating the general geology of the project area, seismicity of the area, soil profile, groundwater condition, etc.
d. Environmental Impact Assessment culminating in the grant and issue of an Environmental Permit from the Environmental Protection Agency After satisfying the statutory requirements, the applicant shall submit the detailed engineering of the Refinery to the Authority as specified.

The Refinery construction permit fee is based on the production capacity of the Refinery


Responsible Institution

National Petroleum Authority

No.6 George Walker Bush Highway Adjacent Petroleum Commission Dzorwulu, Accra

Relevant Forms to Download

Not Available

Fees / Charges

GHC 165,452