National Petroleum Authority Act, 2005 (Act 691) as Amended by National Petroleum Authority (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act 913) and Renewable Energy Act, 2011 (Act 832)

Section 11(1): A person shall not engage in a business or commercial activity in the downstream industry unless that person has been granted a licence for that purpose by the Board.                  Section 11(2): The business or commercial activities of the downstream industry in respect of crude oil, gasoline, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas, kerosene and other designated petroleum product are (a) importation, (b) exportation, (c) re-exportation, (d) shipment, (e) transportation, (f) processing, (g) refining, (h) storage, (i) distribution, (j) marketing and (k) sale.

Procedures to Follow

STEP 1- Acquire application.

Pack An application pack must be obtained from Petroleum Commission for a non-refundable fee of One Hundred Ghana Cedis (GH?100).  You can only make payment by Banker’s Draft to Petroleum Commission, Ghana.

STEP 2- Complete Application Forms with Relevant Information and Documents.

Once the application Pack is obtained, you can fill the necessary application forms and attach all relevant documents for submission. Documents should be comb bound and three (3) copies submitted to the commission. In the case where the applicant cannot submit any of the documents, the applicant will have to obtain a waiver from the appropriate Government agency.  The documents to be submitted include:
Cover Letter

Certificate of incorporation

Certificate to commence Business

Letter from Registrar General with Form 20 and 21 attached

Audited Financial Report

Valid SSNIT Clearance Certificate

Business Plan
8. Company profile
9. Copy of application pack receipts

STEP 3 – Meet All Local Content Requirements.

A non-indigenous Ghanaian company which intends to provide goods or services to a contractor, a subcontractor, licensee, the Corporation or other allied entity within the country shall incorporate a joint venture company with an indigenous Ghanaian company and afford that indigenous Ghanaian company an equity participation of at least ten percent (10%). Both companies should already be registered with the petroleum commission. Joint venture companies are exempted from the initial fees upon registration with the commission.
However, the renewal fees apply to them when it is due.Joint venture companies may have to include the following:
A plan clearly stating:
The roles and responsibilities of the joint venture parties in the joint venture company;

The equity participation of the joint venture parties;

The strategy for the transfer of technology and know-how to the indigenous Ghanaian company.

Regulations of the Company covering, among other things, the following:

Shares structure and the shareholders rights (including classes of shares and voting rights).

Reserved Matters
c. Dividend policy
d. Transfer of Shares & Pre-emptive Rights
Obligatory Transfer Events

Board of Directors (Executive & Non Executive)

Deadlock Provisions

Tug Along Rights

Board resolution of the two companies approving the incorporation of the joint venture company.
3. Audited Financial Statement of the indigenous and non-indigenous Ghanaian companies for the last three (3) years.
4. Key Personnel (CEO, COO, CFO and other senior Management Personnel) and brief description of their jobs, mandates, roles and responsibilities.


Responsible Institution

National Petroleum Authority

No.6 George Walker Bush Highway Adjacent Petroleum Commission Dzorwulu, Accra

Relevant Forms to Download

Not Available

Fees / Charges

GHC 100