National Petroleum Authority Act, 2005 (Act 691) as Amended by National Petroleum Authority (Amendment) Act, 2016 (Act 913) and Renewable Energy Act, 2011 (Act 832)

Section 14(2) A licence granted by the Board is subject to the conditions specified in the licence.(3) The Board may request from the applicant where necessary,(a) a clearance certificate or an appropriate permit from the Environmental Protection Agency and Ghana Standards Board;(b) evidence of(i) financial viability for the ownership or operation of the business or commercial activity,(ii) adequate training, qualification and experience to engage in the business or commercial activity in accordance with this Act, and (iii) other requirements in the manner and at the times the Board may determine.

Procedures to Follow

The Commission would screen the application and where necessary, may carry out site/facility inspections. All operations/operators offshore must indicate possession of
offshore safety Permits. Successful applicants will be issued with an invoice and required to pay the appropriate fees.

Please note that companies whose applications include false or forged documents will be disqualified, penalized and/or prosecuted.

Responsible Institution

National Petroleum Authority

No.6 George Walker Bush Highway Adjacent Petroleum Commission Dzorwulu, Accra

Relevant Forms to Download

Not Available

Fees / Charges

Not Avaiable