Traditional Medicine Practice Act, 2000 (Act 575)Section 18: (1) A person may apply to the Council for a licence for a practice through the district office of theCouncil within the area in which the practice is to be operated in the form determined by the Board.(2) There shall be attached to the application,(a) the block plan of the premises for the practice,(b) provisional approval from the district planning authority or relevant authority on land use,(c) evidence of ability of proposed practitioners in the practice and proof of their registration,(d) testimonials of each proposed practitioner in the proposed practice from the Association,(e) two passport size photographs of each proposed practitioner in the practice,(f) a list of the types of services to be rendered by the practice, and(g) the prescribed licensing fee.(3) A licence shall not be granted to an applicant unless the Board is satisfied that the applicant(a) is registered as a practitioner under this Act,(b) has the experience and competence to manage the practice in accordance with this Act, and(c) has complied with any other requirement specified by the Board and any other relevant law.(4) The Board may request from the applicant where necessary(a) clearance or an appropriate permit from the Environmental Protection Agency, and(b) evidence of financial viability for the ownership and operation of the practice.19. Issue and renewal of licence(1) Where the Board is satisfied that an applicant has fulfilled the conditions required under this Actfor licensing of a practice, it shall approve the application and issue the applicant with a licence.(2) The licence shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year and may be renewed subject tothis Act.(3) The applicant shall pay, in respect of the licence or a renewal of the licence, the prescribed fee anda licence or renewal shall not be issued or made unless the prescribed fee has been paid. |
Procedures to Follow Registration
Responsible InstitutionFood And Drugs Authority
Legon, Accra |
Relevant Forms to Download |
Fees / ChargesNot Avaiable |