Ga East Municipal Assembly (Regulation of Slaughter Houses) Bye-Law, 2016

7 (a) Every animal intended for slaughter shall be brought to the Lairage for ante-mortem examination before slaughtering. (b) The Veterinary Public Health Officer shall not approve an animal for slaughter, if: -       (i) It is less than 15 months old.       (ii) It is in a febrile condition or is excessively old.       (iii) It is pregnant or is with unweaned young. (iv) It is deceased or in a dying condition provided that an animal which     has been involved in an accident, but is otherwise healthy may be approved. (v)  It shows symptoms of having been treated cruelly by over-trucking, over-driving, or other acts.  (vi) A dog or any animal not meant for slaughtering in the slaughter house  (vii) Any animal brought into the slaughterhouse in contravention of this   Bye-Law shall be summarily removed under the orders of the Environmental Health and Veterinary Officers. 

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Ga East Municipal


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