Guidelines To The Insurance Industry on External AuditorsAn Insurer shall be required to disclose any information required by the Commission with regards to the auditor that they intend to engage.5.2 If an Auditor resigns or is replaced, the Insurer shall notify the Commission and give the reasons for the resignation or replacement. Such a notification needs to include a statement from the Insurer on whether there were any disagreements with the former auditor over the content of the auditor's opinion.5.3 The Commission may require an Insurer to replace an auditor when the auditor fails to adequately perform the required functions or duties, is subject to conflict of interest or no longer meets eligibility requirements.5.4 In relying on the audit evidence generated by the Insurer's actuarial function, the auditor shall be required to: Evaluate the competence, capabilities and objectivity of the actuarial function; Obtain an understanding of the work of the actuarial function; and Evaluate the appropriateness of the work as evidence for the assertion.5.5 The scope of consultation shall, at a minimum, include: Verifying the quantum of policyholder reserves and benefits using generally accepted actuarial principles; and Verifying the liability adequacy test as required by the International Financial Reporting Standards.5.6 Auditors tenure with an Insurance Company shall be determined on the following basis; Audit partners are permitted to be responsible for the audit of a specific Insurer for a period of not more than three (3) consecutive years; Audit managers are permitted to support a partner for the audit of a specific insurer for a period of not more than three (3) consecutive years; Audit staff other than the audit manager are permitted to support the audit manager and the audit partner on the audit of specific Insurer for a period of not more than three (3) consecutive years, thereafter at least 50% of the audit staff working on an audit of a specific Insurer shall be required to be replaced; An audit firm is permitted to carry out the audit for a specific Insurer for a period of up to five (5) consecutive years.; An Insurer may replace an auditor at any stage; and The Insurer shall not engage the replaced audit firm before expiry of a period of at least three (3) years. |
Procedures to FollowNot Avaiable |
Responsible InstitutionNational Insurance Commission
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