Biosafety Act, 2011 (Act 831)

Section 15(1) A person intending to transport a genetically modified organism through the Republic which is not destined for use in the Republic (a) shall apply to the Authority for a written approval for the transportation, and (b) shall ensure that the genetically modified organism is properly packaged and transported in accordance with the Regulations and international standards. (2) An application to transport genetically modified organisms through the Republic shall be in the form prescribed by the Regulations. (2) A person wishing to introduce a genetically modified organism into the environment shall submit to the Authority an application describing the activity for which the approval is sought. (3) An application under subsection (2) shall include (a) the information set out in the Third Schedule, (b) a risk assessment as set out in the Fourth Schedule, (c) a sworn declaration that the information contained in the application is factually correct, and (d) any other additional information that the applicant may consider necessary for an assessment of the potential risks and benefits of the requested activity. (4) An applicant may withdraw the application at any time prior to the issuance of a final decision by the Authority. Section 12 (1) A person shall not introduce into the environment a genetically modified organism without the prior written approval of the Authority.

Procedures to Follow

Not Avaiable

Responsible Institution

National Biosafety Authority


Relevant Forms to Download

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Fees / Charges

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