Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling (Non-Ducted Air Conditioners and Self-Ballasted Fluorescent Lamps) Regulations, 2005 (L.I. 1815)

Minimum performance requirements 3. (1) A non-ducted air conditioner manufactured or imported for use in Ghana shall in accordance with Ghana Standard 362:2001 have a minimum energy efficiency ratio of 2.8. (2) A self-ballasted fluorescent lamp manufactured or imported for use in Ghana shall in accordance with Ghana Standard GS 324:2003 have; (a) a minimum rated life of six thousand hours; and (b) a minimum efficacy measured in lumens per watt matching the lamp configuration (bare or covered with or without reflector) and lamp power (LP) rating as provided for in Schedule I.

Procedures to Follow

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Responsible Institution

Energy Commission


Relevant Forms to Download

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Fees / Charges

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