Energy Efficiency Standards and Labelling (Non-Ducted Air Conditioners and Self-Ballasted Fluorescent Lamps) Regulations, 2005 (L.I. 1815)

Requirement to comply with Regulations 2. (1) A person who manufactures or imports non-ducted air conditioners or self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for use in Ghana shall ensure that, (a) the air conditioners comply with the standard specification for non- ducted air conditioners stipulated in Ghana Standard 362:2001 published in the Ghana Gazette of 8th February, 2002; (b) the lamps comply with the standard specification on self-ballasted fluorescent lamps stipulated in Ghana Standard GS324:2003 published in the Ghana Gazette of 30th August, 2003; and (c) the non-ducted air conditioners and self-ballasted fluorescent lamps comply with the minimum performance and labelling requirements prescribed by these regulations. (2) A person who manufactures in Ghana or imports (a) non-ducted air conditioners for use in Ghana in contravention of regulation 2(1) (a), or (b) self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for use in Ghana in contravention of regulation 2(1) (b); commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months or both.

Procedures to Follow

It sets out the scope of application of these regulations....

Responsible Institution

Energy Commission


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