Approval for Erecting a Mast2.        The Assembly shall have the sole right to give permit approval for erecting of communication masts, wi ...

Design and Construction4. The design of towers shall be in accordance with the specifications contained in the NCA-approved structure. In designing towers, due ...

Superstructure        5.         The following parameters shall apply to all superstructure of towers and masts:1.& ...

Painting6. All skeleton type structures must be painted to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) stipulations on obstruction painting. ...

 7. ICAO stipulates that:1.        For structures up to 212 meters, the structure shall be given seven equal bands of red and white pai ...

Obstruction Lighting8. • All mast and tower must conform strictly to ICAO/ GCAA guidelines with respect to obstruction lighting •of tall •  structures.1.&n ...

Offence and Penalty 9. (l) Whoever contravenes any of the provisions of this Bye-law commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine ...