Section 2(1) A person aggrieved by an act done by the Official Trustee in the perfor¬mance of a function under this Act may appeal to the High Court, which ...
Section 8(1) Insolvency proceedings in respect of a debtor shall be initiated by the presentation of a petition to the Official Trustee in the prescribed m ...
Section 9(1) A petition maybe presented in respect of a debtor by anyone or more of the creditors, if the indebtedness of the debtor to the petitioner, or ...
Section 10(1) A petition may be presented by a debtor in respect of the affairs of that debtor if the debtor is insolvent and the indebtedness in liquidate ...
Section 74(1) A person who does an act in contravention of a duty imposed on that person as a debtor or as the representative of a deceased debtor by or un ...