Frequently Asked Questions
The Ghana Business Consultations Portal is an interactive portal that provides policy makers and regulators the opportunity to consult with a wider and more diverse audience in a transparent and timely manner, and at considerable cost savings than is practically possible at public forums and workshops. scrutiny of prospective business policies, regulations, administrative directives, by laws, etc. It is not an avenue to discuss any other prospective laws of Ghana and has been designed as such to enhance access to information and promote investment.
The ultimate goal of Government is to make Ghana the most business-friendly nation in Africa through sustainable and systemic improvement in the business regulatory environment to be able to attract the necessary investments that will help us transform the economy and create jobs.
The purpose of the Ghana Business Consultation Portal is to provide a voice for all in public business consultations. It is to help deepen inclusiveness in public consultations in formulating policies and regulations. It gives all citizens including the business community the opportunity to share their views on policies and regulations that affect their businesses without having to be present at physical location for stakeholders’ consultation.
Draft business related policies and regulations, (that is regulations that will affect businesses) will be posted on the portal to seek the views and comment from the general public to help shape them well to minimize their adverse effects on businesses.
Every member of the public who wants to participate in the business consultation processes in formulating policies and regulations is welcome to use the GBCP. Private individuals, corporate entities, Think Tanks, industry associations and the general public.
Participants shall not pay any fees whatsoever but to be assured of full participation of postings, you should register as a user of the platform.
Yes, a user can indicate preference for a particular policy and subsequent notification during registration. For instance, a user can opt to be notified for all business policies on sports and banking.
Yes. Users can always edit their preferred interest(s) either by adding/widening your interest or removing an interest you no longer wish to receive policy postings from.
You can view the information on the Portal and submit your feedback online using any web browser.
Yes, the Ghana Business Consultations Portal is mobile-friendly and responsive.
Only ministries and government agencies can post policies. Posting of policies differs from commenting on such policies, which can be done by general public. However, where there is a conflict of policies by two government entities with regard to posting, the two shall agree among themselves and give in for the other to be responsible for posting of that policy. There shall be no government-to-government platform to regulate such conflict but this shall be done through dialogue between the heads of those entities.
Comments are received into the database of the Portal and a copy automatically sent to the posting officer in its original form anytime someone submits a comment. The posting officers can access all comments related to their posted policies when they log unto the Portal anytime.
The feedback received through the Public Consultations page is sent directly to the Government agency which posted the consultation paper.
The decision to take into consideration or otherwise of comments on posted policy is the prerogative of the posting entity
No, posting of video is only reserved for specific persons (government agencies and ministries). Feedback on postings shall be in text format only.
The business consultation portal is one of the seven main components of the Business Regulatory Reform Strategy which are inter-linked. The Ministry of Trade and Industry is coordinating the implementation of the strategy. The implementation of the regulatory impact assessment programme and the development of an online E-Registry of all business regulations in force, will lead to a significant improvement in the regulatory governance in Ghana, for the benefit of the private sector.